I am posting on behalf of the Kreeger Museum:
The Board of Trustees of The Kreeger Museum
and Director Helen Chason
Invite You and a Guest to
Champagne in the Sculpture Garden
Saturday, September 23, 2017, 5:00 to 7:00 pm Raise a glass... and funds for our education programs!
Join us as we celebrate our mission to enhance the understanding of art, architecture, and nature. The Kreeger Museum is dedicated to providing arts education to all students in the Washington metropolitan area. Our programs reach many in underserved communities: this year, nearly 70 percent of participating schools were recipients of Title I funding.
We are pleased to present two recent additions to our Sculpture Garden, Against the Day by Richard Deutsch and Portals by Sandra Muss, works that will be incorporated into educational programs in the coming school year.
Tickets: $50 per person