Simply Some Archived Posts From Past Glover Park Blogs
2/22/12: Glover Park’s ANC voted to extend the 16-year-old Liquor License Moratorium, while conceding a modification allowing two more licenses. The intense debate will continue to rage over whether the neighborhood should seek to attract businesses or risk continued vacancies with shuttered store fronts. Those opposed to lifting the ban worry about noise and drunken misbehavior, while those in favor see the potential to add to the diversity and vitality of our commercial strip.
10/17/11: Glover Park resident explorer and mountaineer Robert Hyman has produced a documentary film after returning from a trip to the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve in Honduras. See full story at blog, and link to video here:
5/15/11: The Stoddert Field fencing has been removed for access while the baseball diamond remains cloistered a while longer. See full article at the Glover Park Blog
2/4/11: Chipotle is coming to Glover Park! It will be located in the former Pizza Hut location which has been vacant for a couple of years now. 2338 Wisconsin is between the Post Office and Blue Ridge restaurant.
1/4/11: Glover Park has new neighborhood signsinstalled at Calvert and Wisconsin to the north, and just below W Place on Wisconsin to the south. See banner logo top left of this page.
10/5/10: Tennis Zone is now open for business in the space formerly occupied by Glover Books.
8/11/10: Stoddert Elementary School's Buy-A-Brick program was a success in meeting there goals in fundraising for the new Stoddert Recreation Center that is now nearing completion
8/09/10: The chef at recently opened Blue Ridge has left the restaurant unceremoniously, while the owners are putting more focus on alcohol sales, with a planned opening of "Hero Bar" in August. Expected to become quite the drinking spot now, though this was not expected when the liquor license was issued.
3/24/10: Stoddert Elementary School Buy-A-Brick Fundraiser underway. See Blog
3/24/10: Glover Park Farmers' Market re-opening for the season on May 8th. See Blog.
1/29/10: Angelico Pizza will be opening soon at 2313 Wisconsin Ave., replacing the italian restaurant Mama Maria's which went out of business last year. Angelico Pizza has a store in Tenleytown and seems to be following the lead of Z-Burger in expanding from Tenley to Glover Park, considering the market possibilities in the neighborhood. Angelico is also planning to open restaurants in the active H Street and U Street corridors.
10/15/09: The tiny Pizza Hut delivery with small counter space next to the Salvadoran embassy has closed. No word yet on what will replace it. How about another drycleaners?
10/2/09: On 10/1 an elderly woman driving into the Whole Foods grocery store crashed into the garage-level elevators. Supposedly she accidentally stepped on the accelerator instead of the brakes. The woman had minor injuries and no one else was hurt. Rumors of elevator riders plunging to the ground were unfounded.
9/15/09: The National Park Service is considering usingsharpshooters to reduce the overpopulation of deer in Rock Creek Park, including its Glover Park extension of Glover Archbold Park. The proposal has caused controversy as those opposed to the measure argue there are more humane ways to cull the population, while those who support it believe that is is the humane way to deal with the problem that has grown into a real threat to the habitat and to people. The last estimate in 2007 was 82 deer per square mile - 4 times the maximum acceptable number.
7/10/09: Bruegger's Bagels is coming to Glover Park. How many people have asked for a good quick breakfast place over the years? The store will be opening soon on Wisconsin Ave next to the consulate of El Salvador.
7/10/09: An Illegal nightclub has been operating in Glover Park for a while now. The internet is abuzz with advertisements for all-you-can-drink dance parties at "Wisconsin Overlook", a club operating under the radar of DC and Glover park officials, and unlicensed to operate any business let alone serve alcohol and charge admission. The club is located in a new residential/commercial building at 2136 Wisconsin that has had a hard time attracting new tenants. DCRA, ANC3B and the GPCA have done nothing to stop them, probably because they haven't applied for any business or liquor license, permit, or zoning variance so it seems no official has been paying attention. Yet, they all have attacked Town Hall relentlessly as they tried to legally navigate all these hurdles to operating their business.
7/9/09: The Glover Park Farmers Market has been open for business for 3 weeks now - each Saturday morning, at the location of the Georgetown flea market across from the Social Safeway. Patrons have given it rave reviews for freshness, variety and the friendliness of the vendors. Stop by on a Saturday morning.
7/8/09: The Stoddert Recreation Center construction finally has begun after much planning and debate (see renderings 4MB .PDF). Sadly, the entire field has been fenced in, the baseball diamond demolished, and some big old oaks threatened. Neighbors look forward to the completion of this long-term project and the restoration of some green space to congregate.
7/1/09: JP's, the strip club that burned completely by a fire cause by a gas leak last year, has been demolished. The space likely will house a similar brick building very soon, for yet-to-be determined retail business.
1/20/08: Ceviche has closed as of the beginning of the year. Seems the location just didn't work. The owner is not giving up though, and is re-launching a restaurant called 'Kitchen' with a "southern" cuisine and a different look. It is closed for renovations at the moment and opening day is currently undisclosed but should happen soon.
11/25/08: A water main broke at Manor Place and 37th st. causing 'Class 4 rapids' down the hill, tearing out some asphalt, opening a sink hole and causing low water pressure for many residents and no water for some. The main is repaired, but as a result of the damage the road will be closed at least for a week for repairs. A secondary break occured on Observatory Pl. and a gas line broke as a result of the water main break. See article
11/10/08: Recommendation from Glover Park neighbor Jim for all homeowners to remember to shut off the service line to their outside hose bibs now that temperatures can drop below freezing at night. Prevent a basement flooding!
11/1/08: Matt Klein has filled the vacated position of commander of the Second District police department. Mark Carter was removed as commander in August after only 3 months on the job. Klein was previously the head of the Internal Affairs division.
10/30/08: Seems Margarita's Mexican Cafe at 2317 Wisconsin is possibly the latest restaurant closing in Glover Park. Rumor has it the rent just got too expensive. Margarita's is a long-time "non-chain" local place in Glover park. This would leave another liquor license up for grabs....
7/15/08: Second district police commander Mark Carterhas been removed from the slot after only three months on the job after replacing Andy Solberg in April. See Examiner story
6/15/08: Restaurant update: The Grog and Tankardwill not re-open. It will be replaced by the "Gin & Tonic Tavern". Busara will close and the owner of the Mendocino Grill plans to buy the space and open a new restaurant in the future. Work is well underway at Surfside, and the restaurant should be open in July. Breadsoda is now open! See details at the Glover Park Blog
4/14/08: From an email: "On Sunday, April 13, Chief Lanier reassigned me from Commander of the Second District to the position of Field Commander. This move will entail me being more directly involved with patrol police work across the city. I was assigned to the Second District as your commander on April 7, 2006, and in the past two years the support and encouragement you have given to our officers here at 2D has been tremendous. You have often, in person, on email, in letters and cards and in the media, provided praise for an outstanding group of officers who serve you selflessly and without expectation of reward beyond that service." Andy Solberg
4/10/08: Restaurant update: Shanghai Tea House is now open near Heritage India. Great bubble tea, noodles, dumplings.
1/22/08: JP's nightclub / stripclub at 2412 Wisconsin Ave. was gutted by fire early this morning around 3:30 am. Extensive damage was incurred. Wisconsin Ave. was closed most of the morning rush hour. See full story at the Glover Park Blog
1/21/08: Bill Thomas, the owner of Bourbon restaurant on Wisconsin Ave, is planning to take replace the failing My Bakery and Cafe with a deli/billiards establishement. See full story on the Glover Park blog
1/20/08: David Scribner (Dahlia's, Jetties) plans to openSurfside, a casual restaurant in the vacant space at 2444 Wisconsin Ave formerly Apollo Market. See the Glover Park blog for full story.
12/28/07: Kelly Ferguson, a Glover Park resident and well-known dog walker and pet sitter in the neighborhood died suddenly on December 23rd. See the full text of her obituary on the blog
12/27/07: A Glover Park "massage parlor", long suspected of harboring a prostitution ring, was raided by police on 12/27 and multiple arrests were made. Read the story.
10/14/07: Elements Fitness & Wellness Center will be opening for business on or around 11/1/07 in the building that houses Theodore's and the Vespa shop. Call Justine at 202-333-5252 for more information.
9/14/07: Update on vacant properties on our commercial strip: The bank at 2440 Wisconsin has been demolished and Adams Investment Group is rebuilding a retail/office building (see rendering). 5200 s.f. is currently available for rent. Mama Maria's at 2313 Wisc. is closed and vacant. Apollo Market at 2440 Wisc. is closed and vacant. The laundromat at 2414 Wisc. remains closed and vacant. Half of the old Blockbuster location at 2332 Wisc. is still vacant, with a drycleaners planning to open soon. Studio Infinity at 2200 Wisconsin is closed and the street level space is vacant.
8/14/07: After many years of talk about the possibility of closing Mama Maria's, a neighborhood Italian restaurant at 2313 Wisconsin, it has finally become a reality. In the past, Good Guys next door had pursued the purchase of this restaurant to expand it's strip bar into the space to add a dining area. The future for the space is uncertain.
12/4/06: A new law has taken effect which prohibits passsing buses in DC at an intersection when making a right turn. During December the police will issue warnings, then starting Jan. 1 issue tickets. See the press release and link to the text of the law.
11/14/06: The Glover Park Austin Grill has closed for business permanently after the company was sold to Thompson Hospitality to obtain access to financing for expansion plans in suburban areas. See the Washington Post article
9/10/06: The architectural design plan for the newStoddert Rec. Center is now available at the Marshall Group website. Views from all compass directions as well as from above and parking below. Click on 'Portfolio' on the website, Stoddert is at the bottom of the list
7/13/06: Our new 2nd District Police commander has been suddenly reassigned to School Security Division. Kevin Keegan has stepped in as acting commander. Email exerpt:
["Solberg, Andrew (MPD)"
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 15:49:47 -0400
Subject: [MPD-2d] Reassignment
Hi all, As of noon today, I have been reassigned to the School Security Division within the MPD. Thanks for all your support, and for supporting the 2D officers, while I was here. Andy Solberg]
4/25/06: Our 2nd District Police Commander, Robert Conte, has been transferred. Exerpt from an AU Park newsletter:
From: Contee, Robert (MPD) <>
It has been a pleasure to work with you all. I have learned a
tremendous amount since being assigned to the Second
District. I can say without a doubt that I will truly miss
the people (residents and officers) that made the Second
District a great place to work.
[From KS – Commander Contee is being transferred to Head
the Special Operations Unit of MPD. Our new Acting
Commander will be Inspector Andy Solberg. His e-mail address
is ]
1/21/06: The vacant property at 2440 Wisconsin that housed a bank has been sold The property was sold in September for $1.4 mil.
1/15/06: Been to Town Hall a few times now - two thumbs up.
12/10/05: WETA - our local public television - is producing'WETA Neighborhoods', a series of documentaries on selected neighborhoods in the DC area in 2006, and Glover Park will be a featured neighborhood! Residents can submit short stories about Glover Park online with WETA.
11/1/05: Did you know that the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) decided in May to back Zipcar and Flexcar carsharing in DC? The city has reserved 50 curbside or private parking spaces for these two companies to offer cars. Glover Park's two locations are 2233 Wisconsin (Zipcar) and the parking lot of St. Luke's (Flexcar). The final rule now under DC Municipal regulations was published on May 20, 2005.
10/29/05: Glover Park's first leaf collection starts 11/14. City will vacuum leaves at curb in treebox from 11/14-11/26.
9/13/05: At the ANC3B meeting last Thursday, a representative from My Bakery & Cafe announced they will be seeking a liquor license. Good Guys announced they are seeking to buy the restaurant next door, take down the wall and expand into that space. The rest of the meeting was fairly uneventful. Next meeting Oct. 13th.
8/27/05: There is a lot of talk in the media about a slowdown in the real estate market in many parts of the nation. We are seeing it here in DC as well. The market is still strong, but we are no longer in the frenzy that we saw up until late spring of 2005. Some sellers listing at those frenzied price levels are seeing their properties sit until the price comes down a bit. You might remember the downturn in the early 90's following the late 80's frenzy. Many condos and houses would sit on the market for a year or more. We're not heading there quite yet, but sellers should at least consider the potential slowdown as a risk factor.
8/26/05: I've heard reports that the food is good at theTown Hall restaurant - I haven't been there yet but I will get in soon!