Hi Everyone,
My name is Jon and I’ve returned to Glover Park after spending some time away in South Korea. I lived with Jay Gibbons on Tunlaw about four years ago before journeying across the Pacific.
As you know, many freelance and gig economy workers such as videographers, content creators, and photographers have taken a hit with this virus even though the need for professional visual digital assets at companies who have employees working from home is now more important than ever.
If you or a business/entity you know requires digital assets or professional video to help them overcome their lost revenues, connect with their audience, or increase interest in their brand/business, I’m just next door. These connections would be immensely helpful for me as I try to navigate my own business ownership amid this very strange climate.
If you would like to contact me, please don’t hesitate. Our lenses are long, lights are bright, and our audio is wireless. We can social distance too! We recently completed a home buyers info session with Habitat for Humanity to help them in their quest to find partner families and maintain their homebuyer program. We love projects like this and are eager for more.
Weddings/reel estate virtual tours/cinematic reels/business marketing/promotional content/photo services/drone services/ you got it.
As a growing business I'm eager to help in any way I can and what better way to start right here in Glover!
Please send any inquiries or requests to:
(573) 247-7823
And feel free to visit our growing site at

Best Regards,
~ Jon