Crime in Glover Park bounced back to 2019 levels after a Covid lockdown-driven drop in crime in 2020. Reported crimes totaled 153, way up from the 115 in 2020, but on par with the 152 crimes in 2019. These crime statistics include all of the Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3B (ANC-3B) zone, which includes part of Cathedral Heights to the north. See 2021 graphs and incident map below, 2020 stats here, and 2019 stats here.
The 2021 crime pattern looks very much like 2019, with two exceptions: 1) the monthly crime reports show no discernable pattern, going up and down like a roller coaster, and 2) neighborhood crime as a percentage compared to the Wisconsin Avenue commercial strip remains higher than normal - comparable to the lockdown effect in 2020. A high level of thefts from automobiles (40) continue to hound neighbors and frustrate the police, who have not been able to reduce the number. Thefts of automobiles was up 50% (from 10 to 15), with a few brazen car thefts in the middle of the neighborhood in broad daylight. The neighborhood did experience two crimes in which the perpetrator brandished or used a handgun – one assault and one robbery. One sexual assault was reported last year, on the 2200 block of 40th Street.
General theft was on par with 2019 at 59% of the crime in the neighborhood, though still troubling. This theft takes the form of pickpocketing, purse-snatching, grab-and-run from businesses, bicycle theft (skilled bike thieves continues to outwit neighbors, especially those with expensive bikes), and other property theft.
The southern part of the Cathedral Heights neighborhood accounted for a little less than one-third of the total crime reported in ANC-3B in 2021, which appears to be up from the previous two years. A slight change in how the Metropolitan Police Department reports crime by block raised the 3B crime a little bit, whereas last year a few of the crimes on the border at Cathedral Avenue would have been reported in ANC-3C. Good news! Apples to apples, crime in Glover Park was down by a few from 2019. Now let’s get it down by a lot in 2022.
Chris Jones